Course Accreditation

Practical guide for CME accreditation

  • 1) The evaluation and accreditation procedure takes up to 3 months, so please fill in your application form early enough in order to receive the CME points before the event.
  • 2) You can only apply for CME points once the final programme of the meeting/course is official
  • 3) For industry sponsored events there must be a scientific committee in charge of the programme in order to apply for CME points
  • 4) Satellite symposia are not eligible for European CME accreditation unless they are supported by an unrestricted grant. In this case they may gain EACCME recognition but will not be granted any credits.
  • 5) There are two fees that will be charged:
    • 1) 50 Euros for the processing of the application
    • 2) a second fee, calculated of the basis of the number of participants

    Once you enter the eaccme homepage go to step 1: log in as provider.

    You will then be guided through the whole procedure.

    In case of difficulties you can contact the EACCME administrator or the programmer directly:


Please find here some introduction on EBO accredited courses
Click to Download

Instructions to Course Directors and Faculty Members
Please find here the instructions to Course Directors and Faculty Members.
Click to Download

Application form
In order to obtain accreditation of your course by EBO, Click to Download

Evaluation form
Once you have organised your course, please distribute the following evaluation form amongst the participants, collect the responses and send them back to EBO.
Click to Download

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