Subspecialty Exam in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology

The next examination will be held on June 11th 2025 in Istanbul


The European Board of Ophthalmology (EBO), the European Strabismological Association  (ESA) and the European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society (EPOS) have established a Subspecialty Examination in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology.

The ESA and EPOS will be jointly responsible for the academic conduct of the examination through a Joint Examination Board. The EBO will be responsible for the administrative aspects of the examination.

The subspecialty examination in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology is intended to provide formal recognition of subspecialty training and expertise in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology. Ultimately it will help to harmonize and improve Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology care across Europe.


To provide a structure within which ophthalmologists who specialise in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology have their skills and expertise examined and certified.

The examination is primarily intended for those who have recently completed a one-year fellowship to ICO standards for Fellowship Training in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology or equivalent training and are starting independent practice.

Details of the ICO Fellowship Curriculum can be downloaded here and found under ‘Subspecialty Training Curricula: Subspecialty Training in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus’.

Not to be confused with ICO funded Fellowships for visiting Ophthalmologists.


Specialists in Ophthalmology with particular interest and experience in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology have the opportunity to have their knowledge and expertise tested and officially acknowledged by sitting the EBO-ESA-EPOS Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Subspecialty Exam.

To pass the examination, candidates will be expected to demonstrate that they are capable independently of correctly diagnosing and managing most children and adults with strabismus or children with other ophthalmological conditions. The examination will be broadly based on the ICO Subspecialty Curriculum in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, but questions will not necessarily be limited to this and may examine any subject related to the practice of Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology.

The FEBOS – Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology exam is a yearly one-day exam consisting of a written and oral part. The Exam is conducted in English.



Entry requirements for Candidates to sit the Examination

These requirements must be satisfied at the time of application to sit the examination:

1. Candidates must have passed the Basic EBO exam or equivalent (e.g. FRCOphth.).

Equivalence shall be determined by the Examination Board. Any candidate wishing to have a qualification other than the EBO diploma considered should approach the Joint Examination Board well before the closing date for applications.

2. Candidates must have successfully completed one year of full-time subspecialty fellowship training in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology to ICO standards or equivalent.

Equivalence shall be determined by the Joint Examination Board. Guidance can be found here. Any candidate wishing to have experience other than in an ICO recognized Fellowship considered should approach the Joint Examination Board well before the closing date for applications. Part-time experience will be considered on a pro rata basis.

3. Candidates should be a certified Specialist in Ophthalmology in a member country of UEMS.

To confirm your country is a member of UEMS please click here.

4. Candidates must provide evidence of surgical experience in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology

All candidates must have successfully completed 60 surgical procedures as primary surgeon.

For candidates primarily interested in Strabismus at least 50 of these should be strabismus procedures, including horizontal rectus surgery, vertical rectus surgery, oblique muscle surgery. A maximum of ten of these procedures in total may be minor procedures such as Botulinum toxin injections, lacrimal probings or incision of cysts. What constitutes a minor procedure will be determined by the Examination Board.

For candidates primarily interested in Paediatric Ophthalmology, at least 30 of these should be strabismus procedures and a minimum of 10 paediatric, non-strabismus procedures of at least three different types.
A maximum of ten of these procedures in total may be minor procedures such as intraocular injections, lacrimal probings or incision of cysts. What constitutes a minor procedure will be determined by the Examination Board.

A record of the prerequisite surgical procedures and experience must be certified by Surgical Log and submitted in English. This must be signed and validated by the Fellowship Director or person of equivalent standing who satisfies the criteria to be an ICO Fellowship director.

For each surgical procedure the record must include:

· Procedure performed; including one or both eye(s)

· Date the procedure was performed

· Date of birth of patient

The log must not include the patient’s name or address

For audit purposes, the Joint Examination Board reserves the right to inspect a copy of the original record of any surgical procedure, with the patient’s name and address removed.

Please email with any queries.

Exam Format

Multiple Choice Paper

There will be one multiple choice paper of 2 1/2 hours with 75 questions.
The question format will be the same as for current EBO papers (i.e. 5 independent responses to each stem question with negative marking).
Question stems may include pictures and results of clinical investigations such as Hess Charts and Fields of Binocular Single Vision. Questions will be approximately equally distributed between paediatric and adult strabismus and paediatric ophthalmology and will be primarily intended to test factual knowledge.

Oral Examinations

There will be four oral examinations of 15 minutes each, two primarily in paediatric and adult strabismus and two primarily in paediatric ophthalmology. However any topic related to paediatric strabismus and paediatric ophthalmology may be examined in any oral examination

The oral examinations will primarily test the candidates’ ability to diagnose, investigate and manage both children and adults with strabismus and children with other eye conditions and their understanding and interpretation of basic and clinical research relevant to strabismus and paediatric ophthalmology. During this exam, images, videos or clinical charts may be presented.

Joint Examination Board

For more information on the Responsibilities and Governance of the Joint Examination Board for Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology please click here


Unsuccessful candidates have the right to appeal to the Joint Examination Board for Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology if they believe that they have not been judged fairly. The Board must receive such appeals within three months of the date of examination. The Board will respond to the Candidate in writing within three months of the receipt of the appeal. Should a candidate (successful or otherwise) seek a breakdown of their results, they must submit this request in writing to the secretary of the Joint Examination Board.

The decision of the Joint Examination Board for Strabismus and Paedriatric Ophthalmology in relation to all academic aspects of the examination shall be final.

FEBOS Strabismus & Paediatric Ophthalmology Exam - Fee: €850

The FEBOS Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Subspecialty Exam, organised by the ESA and EPOS in collaboration with the EBO, is an opportunity for ophthalmologists with particular interest in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology to have their knowledge and expertise certified.

Successful candidates will be awarded a diploma: the Fellow of the EBO Subspecialty Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Diploma (FEBOS-diploma). This diploma is recognized as a proof of advanced knowledge and competence in this field.

The EBO, ESA and EPOS invite all interested ophthalmologists who have completed an ophthalmology residency program in a  member country of the UEMS and fellowship training in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology or equivalent according to the requirements to apply for the EBO Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Subspecialty Exam.

The requirements set by the Joint ESA and EPOS Examination board for entry for the FEBOS– Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology exam are set out on the right.


Candidates wishing to apply for the exam need to provide by the deadline the following documentation with their application:

1 CV with recent photograph

2 Evidence of having passed the basic EBO exam or equivalent (e.g. FRCOphth.) Show Details

Either a) Copy of EBOD Certificate.

Or b) Evidence of having passed another examination which the candidate wishes to be considered for equivalence, together with evidence of the entrance requirements and syllabus for this exam.

3 Evidence of having successfully completed a one-year full-time fellowship training in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology to ICO standards or equivalent countersigned by Training Director. Show Details

Either a) Evidence of having completed a one year of full-time fellowship training in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology in an ICO accredited Fellowship (See under protocol above)


b) Evidence of having completed training in Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology equivalent to the above. This evidence must include:

Institution(s) at which trainee worked.

Name and qualifications of training director.

Dates of training.

Trainees timetable with statement as the role of the trainee in the timetabled activities (e.g. Type of patients in each clinic and whether the trainee saw patients independently under supervision in clinics).

Participation in formal teaching sessions.

This evidence must be countersigned by the Training Director.

4 Evidence of surgical experience in Strabismus and Paediatric Opthalmology (Surgical Log) countersigned by Training Director or Head of Department. Show Details

The candidate is required to submit a record in English of surgical procedures performed as the primary surgeon. This must be signed as validated by their fellowship director or person of equivalent standing who satisfies the criteria to be an ICO Fellowship director

Please, kindly acknowledge that only fully completed applications will be considered.

The fee to sit the FEBOS-SP Subspecialty Examination is €850. Where an applicant is not accepted to sit the exam, they will be refunded €700. €150 is retained as an administration/processing fee. Candidates who are accepted to sit the exam and cancel for any reason 2 weeks before the exam will result in a €150 administration fee for transfer to the next years exam. Only one transfer is permitted. Candidates cancelling within 2 weeks of the exam date or candidates who do not show up at the exam, will not be eligible for a refund/transfer. 
Applications Open

Applications that are not accepted on the grounds of non-equivalence of exam or training will be refunded following a deduction of a 10% administrative fee.



Applications now Closed


Important Dates

30th January 2025: Applications Open

10th March 2025: Application Deadline (Including submission of all supporting documents)

5th April 2025: Candidates informed if they have been accepted to sit the exam

11th June 2025: FEBOS-SP exam takes place in Istanbul

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