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Fee Payment

Please note there is a limited capacity of places for the EBOD Exam. Therefore, in the event of high demand a ‘first come first served’ policy is imposed and so it is in your interest to submit your application early.

The fee to sit the EBOD Examination is €500

This fee can be paid by bank transfer or online by credit card during the payment process. The fee covers the administrative cost of organising the EBOD examination, and it is not refundable if the candidate does not attend the examination or does not pass the examination. Confirmation of fee payment does not mean that your application has been approved or that you are confirmed to sit the exam.

Credit Card Payments

Credit card payments will be automatically charged during the payment stage. It is therefore very important that you are certain of your eligibility to sit the exam and that you do not apply more than once. If you have made an error in your application, please contact immediately.


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