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Autumn 2025 – Examiner registration form – New Examiners

Autumn 2025 - Examiner Registration Form – New Examiners

Your Details


Maximum file size: 516MB

Your scope of practice and teaching experience

Have you previously taught/examined trainee ophthalmologists in your country?
How many years have you been involved in teaching/examining trainees?

Your contribution to EBO examinations

The official language of the EBO exam is English. However we try to match examiners and candidates where possible in case of language issues.
Language spoken other than English (please tick all that apply):
Please indicate your preferred topics (multiple choices allowed). We aim to match your preferences but on rare occasions you will be required to examine in a different topic. All questions will be preset by the EBO and you will be given a scoring sheet to assist you in marking.

Questions upload

Maximum file size: 516MB


Academic integrity

In order to maintain the high standards of the EBO Diploma exam, we need to ensure that examination questions submitted to the EBO are original. This means questions should not be copied from books, websites or other sources. You will also not share your questions with your trainees, exam candidates or with other groups and organisations outside the EBO. If you include images or other patient identifiable data, you need to ensure that you have been given patient consent for taking and using those data. You also need to ensure that confidentiality is maintained (e.g. removing patient name and date of birth). If you use images from the internet, you need to ensure that they are “No Copyright” or they are Creative Commons images. Please find a guide on how to write good quality questions here.

Dinner and social activities

Thea would like to contact you directly regarding social activities.
The EBO is hosting a cocktail reception on Saturday 27th September after the award ceremony. Please confirm your attendance.

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