

I Introduction Article 1.0

The Union of European Medical Specialists (U.E.M.S.) entrusts its specialist sections with the formation of their own European Boards for their respective specialties. Members will be leading representatives of the national organisations representing their country on a professional, scientific and university basis.

The board shall be constituted in accordance with the statutes and rules of procedure of the U.E.M.S. and the specialist sections of the U.E.M.S.

The European Boards shall open up new dimensions in promoting both high quality specialist medicine and the free movement of doctors in the European Union (E.U.).

II Objects Article 2.0

The aims of the European Board of Ophthalmology (E.B.O) shall be as follows:

The main objective is to guarantee the highest standards of care in the field of ophthalmology in the countries that are full or associate members of the U.E.M.S., by ensuring that the training of the Ophthalmologist is raised to the highest possible level.

This aim shall be achieved by the following means:

The board shall recommend the standards required for the training of Ophthalmologists as defined by national regulations, and for the maintenance of these standards.

They shall make proposals for the quality of training and for the ‘core’ syllabus in ophthalmology.

They shall recommend procedures to assist the free movement of specialist doctors throughout countries that are full members of the U.E.M.S.

They shall recommend the minimum standards to which the training centres and trainers must conform.

They shall assess the content and quality of training in the different countries that are full members of the U.E.M.S.

They shall facilitate the exchange of their specialist trainees and teachers between training centres of the various countries that are full members of the U.E.M.S. to ensure harmonisation and quality of training.

They shall set up a system for voluntary recognition of qualifications. This is to be known as the ‘Diploma of the European Board of Ophthalmology’ (E.B.O.D.).


They shall set up a structure within which ophthalmologists specialising in various subspecialities of Ophthalmology have their skills and expertise voluntarily recognised.


They shall recognise outstanding achievements in the field of education in ophthalmology.

The E.B.O. shall be considered as being a working group of the specialist section of the U.E.M.S.

Through the intermediary of the specialist section, it shall report to the Executive Bureau of the U.E.M.S. and also the Advisory Committee for Medical Training (A.C.M.T.).

The Executive Bureau of the U.E.M.S. shall currently be entrusted with communicating all opinions issuing from the specialist sections of the European Boards to the Commission of the E.U. and A.C.M.T.

The Executive Bureau of the U.E.M.S. shall officially communicate with the specialist section and the E.B.O. on behalf of the E.U. bodies.

The specialist section shall submit to the U.E.M.S., for ratification, draft statutes relating to the membership and functioning of the E.B.O. so as to ensure cohesion between the various specialities.

III Definitions Article 3.0

The E.B.O. shall recommend the minimum requirements of practical and theoretical training programmes in ophthalmology.

Full membership of the E.B.O. shall be confined to representatives as laid down in statute 4.1. In addition, there shall be one representative from the European Professors of Ophthalmology (E.U.P.O.), and one member from the Permanent Working Group of Junior Hospital Doctors (P.W.G.). The other European countries may be invited to take part in the E.B.O. if they are associated members of the U.E.M.S. or accepted as observers by the Council of Management of the U.E.M.S.

Recognition of qualifications (Diploma of the European Board of Ophthalmology).

The European Board of Ophthalmology shall issue a diploma.

Only Ophthalmologists who satisfy the training requirements of the European Board may apply for recognition.

This recognition shall give the candidate the right to the Diploma of the European of Ophthalmology (E.B.O.D.) and the title Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology (postnominal letters F.E.B.O.).

Concerning the movement of specialists in the E.U.:

he E.B.O.D. is optional and shall not be a condition for free movement in the E.U.

The Diploma of the E.B.O.D. shall be considered by the authorities as a proof of the quality and relative equivalence of the content of training.

IV Composition Article 4.0

The European Board shall comprise two representatives of the speciality of ophthalmology for each country. One delegate must represent the practising profession and one must represent the universities and/or academic bodies. They shall be nominated by the recognised national professional organization of ophthalmology. If there are two organizations, one representing the academic and university bodies, each organization shall nominate the appropriate representative. In addition there shall be, ex-officio, a member each from E.U.P.O. and the P.W.G

At least one of the two Delegates of each country shall be a member of the national delegation to the specialist section of ophthalmology of the U.E.M.S.

Countries not belonging to the E.U. but having observer status in the U.E.M.S., may also send two representatives to the E.B.O. They shall have the right of consultative status.

The E.B.O. shall be administered by an elected Executive Committee: President, four Vice-Presidents, Secretary General and Treasurer.

The E.B.O. may form working committees.

V Members of the European Board Article 5.0


Delegates of the E.B.O. shall be elected for a four-year period by the national professional association or associations of ophthalmology. This term of office may be renewed only once consecutively.

The E.B.O. may call upon one or more experts who shall not have the right to vote.

5.3 Voting rights

Each delegate shall have one substantive vote. Each delegate must have a fully nominated and recognised alternate.

Ex-officio E.U.P.O. and P.W.G. members shall have one vote each subject to the payment of the annual subscription.

For each delegate the right to vote is subject to the payment of the annual subscription to the U.E.M.S.

Observers who represent countries that are not full members of the U.E.M.S. have consultative status.

All voting for elections within the E.B.O. shall be by secret ballot. A secret ballot will be held on any specific matter or if, at any time, it is requested by any voting member of the E.B.O.
Electronic ballots are permitted.

The office of a member of the Board shall be vacated (other than by the passage of time);
(a) if he ceases to be a member of his national society
(b) if by notice in writing to the Secretary he resigns his office
(c) if he becomes incapable by reason of mental disorder
(d) if he shall fail without good reason to attend two consecutive meetings
The national organisation shall then be notified by the Secretary General.

VI Executive Committee Article 6.0 (as amended in 2020)

Election of the Executive Committee. The E.B.O. shall elect an Executive Committee from its Delegates. The Committee shall comprise the President, the four Vice-Presidents, the Secretary
General and the Treasurer. The President Elect and the Past President shall attend its meetings. The Executive Committee shall establish Bye-Laws to be communicated to the Secretary
General of the U.E.M.S. It shall undertake the organisation of meetings and the execution of decisions, and shall approve rules of procedures for the committees of the E.B.O

Duration of terms of office of the Executive Committee. The President shall be elected for a period of two years and will further serve the E.B.O. for another two years as Past President. The President-Elect will be elected for two years prior to taking up office as President and the four Vice-Presidents shall normally remain in office for four years and the Secretary and Treasurer for
four years. Only the Secretary General and Treasurer may remain in office for a second period of four years. A minimum of two years in office is counted as a full period.


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