EBO Accredited Courses: ENET Project

Marie-Jose Tassignon BELGIUM

The harmonisation of European education in ophthalmology is one of the task forces of the European Board of Ophthalmology (EBO) and promoted by the EU to increase mobility of the health care practicioners within Europe.

The European network of education for trainees (ENET) is an EBO initiative proposing a teaching programme for European residents by building a European network of European teachers and teaching programmes proposed by different National and International Scientific Societies covering all fields of subspecialties in ophthalmology. The mechanism which will guarantee the quality of this teaching programme is “accreditation”.

The EBO is very happy to announce the close collaboration with the following societies (alphabetical order):

  • EGS- European Glaucoma Society
  • ESCRS – European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons
  • EUPO/SOE – European community of University Professors of Ophthalmology / European Society of Ophthalmology
  • EVER – European association for Vision and Eye Research
  • IOIS – Internationl Ocular Inflammation Society
  • SFO – Société Française d’Ophtalmologie

Other societies have already acknowledged their willingness to collaborate. The EBO would be more than happy to collaborate with all societies for which education is one of their goals. This message is to be considered a call to all presidents and board members of European Societies. ENET proposes an exquisite selection of high standard didactic courses aiming at preparing the trainees to be more successful at EBOD.

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